crumb rubber

Rubberized Asphalt Benefits and History

Rubberized Asphalt History

Rubberized asphalt history is not new but just starting to resurface throughout the US. It is produced from grinding up whole scrap tires from automobiles. Rubberized asphalt consumes an estimated 220,000,000 pounds or around 12 million tires annually. (That number is expected to grow) More and more states are starting to see […]

By |April 22nd, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Rubberized Asphalt Benefits and History

When the rubber really meets the road…

Crumb Rubber Asphalt, Paving the Way Forward

Dickinson County Road Commission is testing the use of recycled tires in a colder climate. Ask the average lay person how road agencies can reduce road construction and increase pavement longevity and you’ll get a laundry list! Perhaps one of the most common fix-alls the public talks […]

By |January 8th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |Comments Off on When the rubber really meets the road…